Swimming lessons

We offer a full range of training programmes based on your ability and requirements that can be performed in a private lane at the YMCA or at the Marshall Street Leisure Centre, both in Central London or privately if you're fortunate enough to have your own pool.

Whether you’re an absolute beginner requiring confidence building in the water or an experienced swimmer training for a competitive event such as a triathlon, We can promise you a well constructed programme to suit your needs.

The Levels

Water Confidence

Having a fear of the water is nothing to be ashamed of...

Whether you are an adult or a child it is our firml belief that you need to be relaxed and comfortable in the pool if you ever want to learn how to swim.

If you fall into this 'level' then we promise that we can and will help you become confident in the water, and before you know it, you'll realise that you're actually having fun! 

Learning to Swim

Some people love or at least enjoy being in the water; they just haven't learned to swim - yet!

Is this you?

Maybe you're planning a trip away and you don't want to have to be the person who looks after the towels on the beach while your friends have all the fun in the water.

Perhaps you want to be able  to splash around with your children during your holiday and help them take their first steps toward learning to swim.

Or has your doctor recommended swimming for health/medical purposes?

Whatever your reasons, we can teach you one of life's most important skills.

Improving Technique

This is the 'level' that a lot of clients fall into.

You may be able to swim, but are you a good swimmer?

We’ll work with you to improve your confidence and technique with any stroke, not just front crawl - or help you learn one of the more demanding ones if that is your goal.

Through simple, careful but thorough explanation and demonstrations, We will make you a better swimmer and We will take you to the next 'level'.

Fitness and Stamina building

Perhaps you're already a pretty decent swimmer and your technique isn't too bad.

But do you long to be able to swim up and down the pool like everybody else without panting and gasping for air?

Are you looking to vary your workouts in the pool to make them more interesting, motivating and enjoyable?

Or are you looking to swim in open water, or compete in a swim challenge or triathlon?

Whatever your reasons and whatever you're looking to achieve, We can help you reach  your goal and build your speed, strength and stamina.